Degrees of Lewdity
Game Description:
You play a young student living at an orphanage. You must make some quick cash to keep living at the orphanage or bad things happen. *Most fetishes are optional.
NOTE: Latest version has auto-update checkup enabled in Options by defaul
What's New?
- Properly colonised text relating to eggs. Thanks to Jimmy.
- Fix to prison and birdtower wardrobes not being updated as expected. Thanks to Lollipop Scythe.Fixes, by Kirsty:
- Forced players to drop the soap.
- Players will no longer randomly re-equip their handheld items while taking a bath.
- Fixed corrupted popcorn variables.
- Fixed visual bugs with the letterman jacket, forearm crutch, and cane.
- Cheat menu bug fixes involving wings.Fixes, by Skullky:
- Fixed an error when gifting strap-ons to love interests and clicking around too quickly.
- Fixed masculinity on the winter jacket.
- Fixed walking to the lake with students only for them to vanish. I promise this wasn't a Wraith event.
- Fixed an exhibitionism case at the office that always failed.
- Fixed "enduring" not increasing arousal as advertised.
- Fixed confusing text relating to the player's body size.Fixes, by PurityGuy:
- Added cases to ejaculation to ensure islanders will not suddenly speak English.
- Reduced the housekeeping requirement of the wardrobe upgrade at the Hawk's tower from A+ to B+, so it will no longer require more housekeeping than upgrades that require it to be built.
- Fixed a scene that didn't account for the player not releasing any lewd fluids on orgasm.
- Re-contained more escaped pirates.
- Removed a stray debug variable that was causing a zero to appear at the start of the street flash event.
- The player should now put their clothes back on when leaving Robin's room due to it being late.
- Fixed under-lower clothes with accessory layers clipping through heavily pregnant bellies.
- Mason should now show up at the pond at the correct times again.